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Software development for business and personal use

Cresotech, Inc. has been in the business of IT since 1994.

Cresotech, Inc. provides the customers with systems design, software development, project management, system implementation and support.

Cresotech, Inc. provides the expertise in implementing mobile computing solutions in a variety of vertical market segments including the goods distribution and van sales, medical materials distribution and marketing networks, general promotional activity. These areas are good examples where the power of the mobile wireless solutions and laptop / pocket PC based software can deliver real benefits to the corporate users and to their customers, as well as individuals. Here you can find more detailed descriptions of Cresotech, Inc. projects and main directions of company activity.

Cresotech, Inc. is currently concentrating on providing both mobile wireless network solutions and PDA based software for business and personal use. Our products will provide organizations a handheld computer solution that will improve productivity, enhance customer service, and reduce costs.

We do always welcome new business opportunities and are looking for new business partners. Do you have an idea you want to develop together with us? Are you looking for somebody able to design and develop special software to satisfy your current needs? Do you want to distribute our products? Just contact us - we are open to hear any propositions or suggestions.

Currently the efforts of Cresotech, Inc. in mobile wireless solutions area
are focused on:

SUrvey Results Entry - SURE

is an automation tool for operation with diverse questionnaires, surveys or other forms and reports. Do you need a uniform solution for the effective input of questionnaires, forms and reports both in the office and in field? You may want as well to cut your costs, save resources, improve productivity and efficiency of your employees, to open new horizons for your business, to monitor your field staff activity and to protect your investments in the state-of-the-art technology. If, on top of all that, you are looking for a pocket-sized mobile solution that would be easily incorporated into your office technological processes - then your choice is definitely SURE. Let's see what you can gain by using this solution:

  • Quickly create templates for any types of questionnaires, forms or reports.
  • Ensure fast and error-free multiuser entry of large data arrays from filled questionnaires on multiple office workstations with simultaneous and direct verification of the questionnaire correctness.
  • Significantly improve quality of operations and enhance the data entry process due to the built-in features of automatic navigation, logical and syntactical control.
  • Send the description of any required form or report directly to handhelds of your office and field staff using a cost-effective and compact PALM that easily fits one's shirt pocket.
  • Fill in the form or questionnaire and send it wirelessly to the office immediately after or even during discussion with a customer or interview with a respondent.
  • Prepare and compile all questionnaire arrays in the office and send them for processing by other software packages, such as MS EXCEL, MS ACCESS, SPSS or other.
For more information please visit the site www.mobilentry.com.

Corporate Database Management Software for Goods Distribution and Marketing Networks

We have the experience of design and development of laptop and palm based database management software for medical materials distribution and marketing networks that is aimed at more effective management of local activities, increasing scope of sales and assessment of effectiveness of drugs and materials.

The software system creates and processes lists of distributed drugs and materials, lists of medical organisations involved in distribution, doctors, pharmacies, as well as estimates of capacities of drugs and materials.

Each entry of local representative to the database is a feedback on visits to clients, it is sent to the central office through palm-mobile telephone or modem.

For more information please visit www.curating.com.

Mobile access to enterprise network resources

Cresotech PocketLANce is a unique application allowing Pocket PC users to browse and manage LAN resources on their PDA devices.

Designed for both personal and corporate use, PocketLANce opens new horizons for business people, software developers, mobile professionals or home users: now they can work with their corporate or personal LAN resources using their Pocket PCs both outside and inside of their offices.

This application provides a unique easy-to-use option of locating, retrieving and moving/copying network files via conventional ActiveSync connection, network card or even mobile phone/modem.

For more information please visit www.pocketlance.com.

PDA Based Marketing and Promotion Software

Compact size of modern devices and bright color screen allow us to implement PDA based marketing and promotion systems.

The representative of company does not have to take a dozens of papers and ads with him when visiting the potential customer.

All his impressive goods catalogues are stored in his pocket and Cresotech PocketPoint allows to hold a presentation anytime anywhere.

For more information please visit www.cresotech.com/pocketpoint/.

Personal Use Products: Applications, Calculators, Inventory Tools, etc.

Cresotech PocketLance Cresotech PocketLANce

Cresotech PocketLANce is a unique application allowing Pocket PC users to browse and manage LAN resources on their PDA devices.



Cresotech Convert-It Page Cresotech CONVERT-IT

Cresotech CONVERT-IT is a convenient Pocket PC based tool to convert different measuring system units into each other, and much more!



Cresotech Convert-It for PALM Page Cresotech CONVERT-IT for PALM

Cresotech CONVERT-IT for PALM is a convenient PALM based tool to convert different measuring system units into each other, and much more!



Cresotech PocketPoint Page Cresotech POCKETPOINT

Cresotech POCKETPOINT is an easy PDA based multimedia tool to create photo presentations or review photo albums simply and quickly.


Cresotech PocketSafe Page Cresotech POCKETSAFE

Cresotech POCKETSAFE is a convenient PDA-based tool for safe storage of confidential information.


Cresotech EuroUmrechner Page Cresotech EUROUMRECHNER (GERMAN VERSION ONLY!)

Cresotech EUROUMRECHNER fur Pocket PC ist ein praktisches Freeware-Programm zum Umrechnen DM in Euro und umgekehrt.




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