There are some "MUGS" randomly hidden on a square gamefield, and they can occupy
neighbouring fields. You have to locate them in minimal time and minimal number of turns
(best time mode) or before computer's AI will find your own Mugs (player vs computer mode).
When you calculated a field where enemy Mug is most likely hiding, you'll shoot there. If you
are lucky, you will "beat the Mug", i.e. you will hit it. Otherwise all
Mugs (including those you already hit), whose positions are somewhere on imaginary
rays heading from the point of shot (horizontal, vertical and diagonal ones), will scream in terror.
You will "take the bearings" of these Mugs, and get the number of screams. After a
number of turns, you will be able to make some conclusions concerning most probable hidden Mugs
locations, and also exclude the fields where it is evidently impossible to find Mug. How much
turns you need to spend - depends on your reaction and experience.
Expert players have an option to play on higher difficulty levels against wiser computer's AI.
Good luck!