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Problem: registration code is not accepted by product

There are several possible reasons of this problem - check the list below.

Reason 1: Your product version is outdated

Your registration code is for the latest version and will not be accepted by older ones. You need to download and reinstall the latest version of the product from our site - check DOWNLOAD PAGE for the links.

Reason 2: Your registration code is outdated

Sometimes the latest versions of Cresotech products incorporate the altered registration procedure with a different code format. If you have upgraded your product to the latest version and it became unregistered, you can request a new registration code for it. This service is free for all registered users - just fill the request form on REGISTRATION CODE UPDATE PAGE.

Reason 3: Your registration code is correct but you have mistyped some symbol

Please double-check all of the symbols in your registration code and try entering it again. Pay special attention to letters that may look like digits or vice versa ("o" letter and zero, lowercase "L" and digit "1", etc.). If you have checked everything and software copy is still unregistered, maybe your registration code is corrupted. In this case you may wish to request the RESTORATION OF YOUR REGISTRATION CODE.


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