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Problem: registration code is lost

You can send your request for us to search our database and restore your registration code. Just fill the form below to do it.

MANDATORY FIELDS ARE MARKED WITH *: please do not leave them blank.

Other fields are not mandatory but greatly increase your chance to find your registration code promptly. Leaving them blank or filling with incorrect details will slower the processing of your request and may decrease the probability of success.

Registration code restoration form

1. Your name*:        and surname*:   

2. Your e-mail address*:    

3. Your Cresotech product*:    

4. My purchase is made on the year*:      month:     day:  

5. My purchase is processed by the following registrar*:   

6. My Purchase ID is:    
(this field is solely for Purchase ID received from registrar service after purchase; do not fill anything else here - just leave it blank if you have lost or forgot the Purchase ID)

7. Purchase name:      and surname:  
(IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE NAME/SURNAME - if it is the same, you may leave it blank: exact name and surname as was shown in your purchase order when you filled it)

8. Purchase email address:    
(IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE E-MAIL - if it is the same, you may leave it blank: exact e-mail address that was shown in your purchase order when you filled it)



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