Date of revision: December 13, 2000
The revised version has same file name and size as previous one. It is completely FREE for all
registered users. It is not neccessary to re-register PhotoScreen or make any additional actions.
The only step required (when this new file is downloaded) is to reinstall it over old version.
There is single change in current revision.
- The problem with Favorite Effects section in generated screensaver Presentation Options window
is fixed. Now all effects names are visible in Effects window to ease screensaver customization process.
Date of new version update: November 30, 2000
File size for this new version of program is 1409 Kb. Default file name is the same, PhotoScreen.exe. New
version simply replaced old downloadable file at our site.
This update is completely FREE for all registered users. It is not neccessary to
re-register PhotoScreen or make any additional actions. The only step required (when this
new file is downloaded) is to reinstall it over old version.
List of Changes update brings some important and minor changes. Here is the list:
- Screen modes up to 1600x1200x32bit now supported in screensavers built with PhotoScreen.
- Problem with background color selection for screensaver is fixed.
- Unexpected screensaver operation stop bug is fixed.
- Effect speed in high resolution modes and the appearance for some effects are improved.
Date of revision: July 04, 2000
The revised version has same file name and size as previous one. It is completely FREE for all
registered users. It is not neccessary to re-register PhotoScreen or make any additional actions.
The only step required (when this new file is downloaded) is to reinstall it over old version.
There is single change in current revision.
- Implicit limitation to the number of images used for screensaver creation is removed.
Now you can add to your screensaver as many images as you want.
Cresotech PHOTOSCREEN, © Cresotech, Inc. All rights reserved.