June 2001
For Immediate Release
Contact: Ivan Matychyn, Marketing Manager
Cresotech, Inc.
Cresotech, Inc. has become a member of the Microsoft Windows Embedded Partner Program (WEP). This
program was designed to provide a wide range of benefits to partner companies utilizing the Microsoft Windows
Embedded Family of products with the intent of enabling WEP partners to bring their Windows Powered products to market
Cresotech, Inc. is currently concentrating on providing both mobile wireless network solutions and PDA based software
for business and personal use. Pocket PC computer solutions offered by Cresotech allow improving productivity, enhancing
customer service and reducing costs. Cresotech provides the expertise in implementing mobile computing solutions in
a variety of vertical market segments including the goods distribution and van sales, medical materials distribution and
marketing networks, general promotional activity. These areas are good examples where the power of the mobile wireless
solutions and Pocket PC based software can deliver real benefits to the corporate users and to their customers, as well
as individuals.
Cresotech, Inc. is also providing a wide scope of Pocket PC based software products for business and personal use,
such as multimedia tools, security utilities, reference applications etc. Detailed information on Cresotech products can
be found at https://www.cresotech.com/products.htm
By now becoming an official Windows Embedded partner, Cresotech, Inc. expects to further position itself as a solutions
provider for the Windows Embedded family of products.
For further information visit Cresotech, Inc. on the web at
https://www.cresotech.com/softdev.htm or send a message
through https://www.cresotech.com/contact/index.htm.
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